News updates
We all know why we personally chose to study science. Ever wondered what inspires others to do so? Take a look at this survey to see what inspired some famous names in science to take up the subject and pursue it further, particularly the section regarding 'Hands-on experience and experiments'.
Find out how Getting Practical has been used in the ASE Improving Practical Work in Triple Science LSN Network in our latest SSR article.
Read the most recent articles about Getting Practical in the February issue of Education in Science.
The UK launched the International Year of Chemistry last night with a chemistry demonstration by Professor Hal Sosabowski from the University of Brighton held in the Palace of Westminster. Find out more about the event and the International Year of Chemistry.
Getting Practical hosted the International Seminar '‘What is needed for good quality work?’International perspectives on delivering good quality practical work in science.' as part of the ASE Annual Conference held in Reading. Read about the seminar here.
Read the latest Outdoor Science Report.
Read the follow-up to Attenborough's article in the Guardian. Learning Outside
The Getting Practical Programme is being used by primary teachers all over England to help them teach practical science more effectively. Read the article in the latest issue of Primary Science by Janet Chetwood, Mel, Smith and Georgina Chapman to see how this is being achieved.
The Getting Practical programme has been praised in the latest report issued by Ofsted. Read the ASE's response to this and the Ofsted report.
Read the article in the Guardian regarding Sir David Attenborough's support of the Outdoor Science programme. Lessons on environment as important as the three Rs, says Attenborough
Come and visit a Getting Practical session at the ASE Annual conference in Reading. Sessions for secondary teachers are running on Thursday 6th January at 11am and 2pm and Primary sessions are running on Thursday 6th January from 11am and Saturday 8th January from 2pm. Register for the conference here.
Find out how Getting Practical is being used in different networks in an EiS article by Karen Crinyion and an SSR article by Steve Jones from the SSAT.
The Centre for Science Education has been collecting some case study reports from teachers and schools that have been using the Getting Practical materials. Find out more here.
Free Getting Practical CPD could be coming to your school. Find out more here.
The Train the Trainer courses are under way for the next academic year so all trainers due to be trained by early November. Keep a look out for new dates for courses in your area.
Come and visit the Getting Practical Programme during one of our seminars at the ASE Annual conference in Reading in January 2011. Find out more about the conference here.
We are starting to receive dates for training courses taking place in the forthcoming year. Take at look to see what is on offer in your area at the moment. New dates are being added all the time.
Over 1500 secondary schools and colleges have already signed up for the FREE LabSkills USB stick of chemistry resources. Check to see if your school is registered and sign up at www.discoverlabskills.org. Make sure your school has it for the start of the new school year!
Yesterday, the Getting Practical team hosted their first conference to celebrate the achievements of the programme at the NSLC, York. To find out how the Getting Practical Conference went, visit our conference summary of the day and see the presentations delivered by our speakers.
Spaces are still available at the Getting Practical Conference to be held at the NSLC in York on Wednesday 7th July. Speakers include Dr. Ian Abrahams, Prof. Justin Dillon and Prof. Sir John Holman who will be delivering a demonstration lecture linked to the recent findings from a teacher survey on practical science.
Read the interim evaluation report focusing on the programme's work at primary level in an article written by Ian Abrahams and Michael Reiss entitled 'Effective Practical Work in Primary Science: The Role of Empathy'
Prof. Sir John Holman is to give a demonstration lecture at the summer Getting Practical Conference. Visit the conference page to find out more.
Getting Practical team respond to Independent newspaper practical science 'Quandary'. Read our response here.
Getting Practical is supporting a new book that was launched recently, 'Good Practice in Science Teaching - What Research Has to Say' edited by Jonathan Osborne and Justin Dillon. This new edition of Good Practice in Science Teaching offers a comprehensive overview of the major areas of research and scholarship in science education. Find out more by visiting the New Publications page
The ASE's Outdoor Science Working Group has started it's series of seminars focusing on STEM education beyond the classroom. Visit the Outdoor Science page to find out more.
Practical work in science has been featured in the national press today following an online survey conducted by the national network of Science Learning Centres. Read the survey report to form your own views.
Getting Practical has been recognised as a worthwhile programme for raising the profile of practical work in science abroad as a result of the 'Effective Practical Science Seminar'. Find out how the programme is being adopted in The Netherlands and read the article published in the dutch journal 'NVOX'.
Following the 'Effective Practical Science Seminar' that took place in January as part of the International Day of the ASE Annual Conference, read the report of the discussions and ideas presented.
The local CPD events are underway with groups of teachers benefiting from the Getting Practical training all over England. Read a short report on how the training is being received in the London area.
The summary report from the 'Assessment in practical work at GCSE' seminar held in November 2009 and hosted by SCORE is now available.
The first Getting Practical course to take place within a teacher training programme has been completed at Goldsmiths, University of London. The student teachers found the sessions particularly useful when considering the reasons for carrying out practical work.
Exerts are now available on the website from the books 'Analysing Practical Science' and 'Language of Measurement'. More information is available by visiting the Book Resource page.
Despite the weather, the first of the local CPD events took place this week in North London. This session was the first of a three part course for secondary teachers. Those that attended found the training very helpful for their stages of career and are keen to get started on their 'gap task' before returning to the course in February and completing the training in March 2010. Find out when a course is taking place in your local area by visiting the 'Regional Activity' page.
Getting Practical is supporting the 'Festival of Contemporary Science' at Bristol University on Saturday 30th January 2010. This event is a day-long series of lectures and hands-on workshops giving teachers a chance to find out what is being done at the cutting edge in science by leading experts from the University. Support for the event comes from Bristol University, Bristol Chemlabs and the Triple Science Network.
The 'Effective Practical Science' Seminar took place at the ASE Annual Conference. Find out what happened.
Happy New Year!
Come and visit the Getting Practical team at the ASE Annual Conference at the University of Nottingham from 6th - 9th January 2010. We'd love to see you and tell you more about how the programme is progressing. If you can't make the conference, don't forget to check out the Regional Activity page of the website for all the Getting Practical CPD courses that are available to date. This page is updated regularly when new events are arranged.
Getting Practical is always keen to support resources that reflect the current thinking in practical science. Three new books have been launched which do just this. To find out more, visit our new Book Resource page.
All the Train the Trainer events have now taken place for the 09/10 academic year and the Getting Practical trainers are now planning their professional development events in your area. To find out where and when these events are taking place, visit the Regional Activity page. This page is updated regularly when new events are arranged.
Getting Practical was introduced during two workshops to trainee teachers from the Oxfordshire and Berkshire area during an event promoting awareness of professional development opportunities available to teachers. The event was run jointly by the ASE, Oxford Brookes University and Oxford University.
Teachers, science educators and individuals with an interest in practical science are invited to attend the 'Effective Practical Science Seminar' taking place on Wednesday 6th January 2010, 14:00 - 16:30, at the ASE Annual Conference being held at the University of Nottingham. Registration details for the conference can be found on the ASE website.
The first 'Train the Trainer' course is taking place at the North East Science Learning Centre in Durham. Eight further training events are taking place across England between now and the end of term in December with a view to the local courses becoming available from January 2010
School lab health and safety rules 'could stop future scientists
Recruitment of the first 100 trainers for the programme is well under way with successful candidates being notified over the summer.
Getting Practical is presented at the annual NAIGS conference in Stratford-on-Avon through a workshop by Phil Bunyan (CLEAPSS), Kirstie Hampson and Georgina Westbrook.
June edition of Education in Science (EiS) introduces the new members of the Getting Practical – Improving Practical Work in Science Programme team, Kirstie Hampson, Georgina Westbrook and Jane Legate.