The list of resources below is by no means an exhaustive list and should you find any resources that we could add to the list or have developed any yourself that you might like to share, please do contact us through the Your Thoughts page.
SCORE resources supporting the programme:
Practical Primary Science Website
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Getting Practical partners offer the following resources to support teachers:
Articles of interest from PRIMARY SCIENCE REVIEW issue 91 Jan Feb 2006
Education! Education! Out! Out! Out!
Starting in your own back yard
Welly-walks for science learning
Sowing the seeds of creativity
- Information about primary resources for teaching practical science
IOP - Physicists in Primary Schools
Primary Science Enhancement Programme (PSEP)
- Providing support for Sc1
Science and Plants for Schools (SAPS) programme
- Resources for work on plants
The National Strategies (Early Years)
- Information regarding early years foundation stage
The National Strategies (Primary)
- Information regarding primary level resources
National Network of Science Learning Centres
- Professional development courses for teachers and teaching assistants
Other organisations also offer good quality practical science resources:
– Primary activities and events in the South West region
Centre for Effective Learning in Science (CELS)
– Primary ‘Kit in a Kase’ activities in the East Midlands
Centre for Effective Learning in Science (CELS)
– Primary web based activities and downloadable resources
Dr Mark's Advanced Thinking and Learning
- Shows and workshops for practical science with accompanying CPD
- Fieldwork opportunities with FSC's Outdoor Classroom
- Outdoor growing practical activities for primary schools
- Resource bank for science activities
- Online resources to help with practical primary science
- KS1/2 Science - Wowing the parents with practical science
The British Science Association
- CREST * Investigator science enquiry projects and awards
The Foodies
- For the under 8s - gardening and food related resources for practical activities