Getting Practical - Coming to you!
Are you keen to find out how the Getting Practical training can help your teaching practice?
Do you want to get involved but can’t make the courses on offer?
We may be able to bring Getting Practical to you!
Getting Practical trainers are based all over England and may be able to visit your school and run a 6 hour training course for you free of charge. If you have a group of teachers from your school or your local school cluster or network who want to attend a Getting Practical course, we can arrange for a trainer to visit you. This offer can support training for a whole school staff (primary) or science department (secondary and FE) and in some cases, help to facilitate cross-phase working between schools.
To register your interest in hosting a Getting Practical trainer, please contact Kirstie Hampson (01707 283000) with your reason for requesting a course, school name and address and an idea of the number of teachers that might attend. Please also suggest the delivery model of course that you would prefer (3 twilight sessions, 2 half day sessions or 1 whole day course).
Please note that this offer is subject to the availability of a Getting Practical trainer for the location of your school, the number of teachers you would like trained (minimum of 6 teachers) and the model of delivery requested.