Survey on Practical Work
On Friday 26th March 2010 the science education community was told of a recent online survey conducted by the national network of Science Learning Centres. The report summarising the findings of the survey offers a fair view of the conditions in which teachers and technicians are delivering practical science sessions. The report does highlight some of the barriers that teachers feel they face when attempting to run effective practical work as part of a young person's wider science education. It does, however, conclude in a positive way:
'It is encouraging to see so many teachers emphasising the importance of having a clear purpose to the practical work, and making strong links between the ‘hands-on’ and ‘minds-on’ aspect of scientific learning. It seems however that many teachers find the curriculum and assessment requirements restrictive when it comes to carrying out engaging, purposeful and effective practical work in science.'
To read the report in full, see the links below.
The press coverage was based on a press release created around the survey report. Coverage included articles in the following national newspapers and television news channels:
The Times Education Supplement (TES)