International Practical Science Seminar
Once again, the Getting Practical team were able to present an interesting and informative seminar incorporating many aspects of practical science with an international flavour.
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‘What is needed for good quality work?’
International perspectives on delivering good quality practical work in science.
The seminar was introduced by Marianne Cutler, Director of the Getting Practical, Improving Practical Work in Science Programme.
Ian Richardson – HMI National Adviser for Science
An overview of what would be considered to be quality science and practical science in schools in England was presented. Presentation
Alan McCormack - President, National Science Teachers Association, USA
Perspectives on practical work from America. Presentation
Justin Dillon – King’s College London
This session disseminated the findings of the SCORE (Science Community Representing Education) benchmarking project which identifies factors that promote good quality practical work; including time allocated to practical work in school timetables, required resources and teacher professional development. Presentation
Kirstie Hampson and Georgina Chapman – Getting Practical programme managers
This part of the seminar looked in more detail at the Getting Practical: Improving Practical Work in Science Programme. The audience were introduced to the some of the key concepts of the programme and discussed how the ‘Getting Practical audit tool’ can help make practical work in science teaching more effective. There was opportunity to share ideas on how particular practical activities can be most effectively used in a scheme of work.
During this session, the seminar was given some examples of effective practical activities presented by science education practitioners:
Barry Meatyard - Investigative work with a plant enzyme - Dopa Oxidase
Barry Meatyard is an independent consultant specialising in science provision for high ability students. He has taught in schools and at university and post graduate levels, and has extensive international experience of providing subject related professional development courses for science teachers.
Pat O'Brien - Albedo Investigation Background and Notes
Pat O’Brien is a an independent Educational Consultant who has extensive international experience on developing curriculum and support materials for schools, leading training days for teachers and working with Gifted & Talented students in schools and colleges on problem solving, thinking, and questioning. He was formerly a teacher, county adviser, OfSTED inspector and has contributed to many international and National Conferences and publications as well as being an author of materials for both pupils and teachers.
Susan Burr (notes to follow)
Following on from hearing about the Getting Practical programme at last year's International Seminar, Henny Kramers from The Netherlands has translated the course materials into Dutch and beginning to work with student teachers during their training. Henny told us about her work with the programme and suggested '7 steps to launching Getting Practical in your country' Presentation and Accompanying notes
I'd like to thank all those involved in making the seminar a success including the speakers, chair, SCORE, the Getting Practical team and the ASE International Committee and all those who contributed activities.
Dr Georgina Chapman
Getting Practical - Improving Practical Work in Science Programme