Getting Practical in The Netherlands
Having attended the 'Effective Practical Science Seminar' on the International Day of the ASE Annual Confrence, Henny Kramers-Pals from NVOX and Peter Bom from the Training College for Primary Teachers, Christelijke Hogeschool Ede in The Netherlands wanted to find out more about the getting Practical Programme
They were invited to attend the 'Train the Trainer' event held during the conference and became so enthusiastic about the programme that they are introducing it in The Netherlands.
Read their article written for their science education journal in The Netherlands to see how they are working with the programme materials and their plans for the future.
'Making practical work more effective' - English translation of the article
'Praktisch werk effectiever maken' - Original article in Dutch
We will update this page with their progress following Henny and Peter's trials of the programme later this year.